It Has A Point Crossword Clue

It has a point crossword clue – Introducing “It Has a Point,” a crossword clue that has intrigued puzzle enthusiasts for years. Its enigmatic wording and subtle wordplay make it a captivating challenge, inviting us on a journey of linguistic exploration and logical deduction.

Join us as we delve into the origins, meanings, and strategies behind this intriguing clue, uncovering its hidden depths and revealing the secrets that make it both perplexing and ultimately satisfying.

Origin and Definition: It Has A Point Crossword Clue

It has a point crossword clue

The crossword clue “it has a point” has a rich history and a well-defined meaning within the realm of crosswords.

The origin of this clue can be traced back to the early days of crosswords, when constructors sought to create puzzles that were both challenging and entertaining. The phrase “it has a point” was initially used to refer to a specific type of entry that had a pointed or sharp ending, such as a needle or a pencil.

Meaning in Crosswords

In the context of crosswords, the clue “it has a point” typically refers to an entry that ends with a sharp or pointed letter, such as the letter “V” or “W”. This type of clue is often used to indicate that the answer is a word or phrase that has a pointed or sharp meaning, such as “wit” or “satire”.

Common Answers

It has a point crossword clue

The crossword clue “it has a point” can refer to various things that possess a pointed or sharp end. Common answers to this clue include:

  • Pencil: A writing implement with a pointed graphite core.
  • Needle: A thin, sharp instrument used for sewing, knitting, or piercing.
  • Knife: A cutting tool with a sharp blade.
  • Sword: A long-bladed weapon used for cutting and thrusting.
  • Spear: A long, pointed weapon used for hunting or warfare.
  • Arrow: A thin, pointed projectile shot from a bow.
  • Nail: A thin, pointed metal fastener driven into wood or other materials.
  • Thorn: A sharp, pointed projection on a plant stem.
  • Sting: A sharp, pointed organ on an insect or other animal used for defense or offense.

These answers share the common characteristic of having a pointed or sharp end that serves a specific purpose, such as writing, cutting, piercing, or protection.

The answer to the crossword clue “it has a point” is typically a pencil or a pen. However, if you’re wondering how to get a 7D license in Massachusetts, check out this helpful guide: how to get a 7d license in ma . It provides step-by-step instructions on obtaining this specialized license, which is required for certain types of construction work.

Wordplay and Logic

It has a point crossword clue

The crossword clue “it has a point” is a cryptic clue that relies on wordplay and logic to arrive at the answer. The clue’s wording suggests that the answer is something that possesses a sharp or pointed end.


The wordplay in this clue centers around the double meaning of the word “point.” In one sense, “point” refers to a sharp or pointed end, such as that of a needle or a pencil. In another sense, “point” can refer to a valid argument or a persuasive reason.

The clue cleverly plays on this duality of meaning to lead to the answer.

Logic, It has a point crossword clue

The logic behind the clue is that the answer must be something that can be both sharp or pointed and also valid or persuasive. This narrows down the possibilities considerably, leading to the correct answer, which is “ARGUMENT.”

Examples in Crossword Puzzles

It has a point crossword clue

The clue “it has a point” is a common one in crossword puzzles, appearing in both easy and challenging puzzles.

Examples in Easy Puzzles

  • A 3-letter word for a sharp object, such as a needle or a pin.
  • A 4-letter word for a writing instrument, such as a pen or a pencil.
  • A 5-letter word for a musical instrument, such as a flute or a clarinet.

Examples in Challenging Puzzles

  • A 7-letter word for a type of tree, such as a pine or a fir.
  • An 8-letter word for a type of animal, such as a dog or a cat.
  • A 9-letter word for a type of food, such as a pizza or a hamburger.

Cultural and Literary Significance

It has a point crossword clue

The phrase “it has a point” has been widely used in various cultural and literary contexts, carrying significant meanings and implications.

In literature, the phrase often serves as a literary device to convey a character’s perspective or to introduce a particular viewpoint. It suggests that a certain argument or idea, while not necessarily fully valid or convincing, holds some degree of merit or relevance.

Examples in Literature

  • In Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,” Polonius advises his son, “Though this be madness, yet there is method in’t.” This usage highlights the idea that even in seemingly chaotic or irrational behavior, there may be an underlying logic or purpose.
  • In Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice,” Mr. Darcy’s initial prejudice against Elizabeth Bennet is gradually challenged as he observes her qualities. When he finally acknowledges her worth, he admits, “She is tolerable; I confess it—and she has some beauty.” The phrase “she has some beauty” suggests that while Darcy’s prejudice persists, he recognizes Elizabeth’s merits.

Commonly Asked Questions

What is the most common answer to the clue “It Has a Point”?


What is the origin of the clue “It Has a Point”?

The phrase “it has a point” is commonly used to describe something that is sharp or pointed, such as a pencil or a needle. In the context of crosswords, the clue “It Has a Point” is often used to refer to a writing instrument, such as a pencil or a pen.